The Seasons in Japan - When to Play Golf

Autumn in Japan. The colours and a light dusting on Mt Fuji.

Autumn in Japan. The colours and a light dusting on Mt Fuji.

Each season in Japan, especially Tokyo, provides a unique golfing experience. Golf is played all year in Japan and even in the depths of winter it is not uncommon for booking sheets to be rather busy. If your trip is specifically golf then there are months which are preferable but really whatever month you decide on will be the right choice. Well, sort of …

January and February – It’s Cold. But …

Both months are sunny and dry but you will be teeing off in temperatures closer to zero. Freezing hands, layers of clothing, short daylight hours, and the chance of snow are things you must consider. If you fancy hammering a hole into the frozen teebox to get your tee in or watching your ball bounce across frozen ponds then these are the months for you. If you want a fabulous experience then I suggest you play. If you want to shoot your best score then stay in Tokyo and go shopping instead.

The dormant colours of Winter in Japan.

The dormant colours of Winter in Japan.

March, April, and May – Absolutely Yes

It's a fabulous time to be in Japan and playing golf would be the icing on the cake. Amazing weather (ranging from 8 to 20 degrees Celcius), little wind, and flawless playing surfaces provide golf-specific groups the perfect opportunity to play. Plenty of snow on Mt Fuji, clear days, and the flowers in full bloom are some of the attractions.

March (27th) to early April (4th very approximate) is cherry blossom season. Unless you absolutely have to see these little flowers I would avoid this time of the year. Its peak season in Tokyo so it’s terribly busy and airfares, hotels, and transport are at their peak.

April (29th) to early May (5th) is a Golden Week in Japan. It's a week of public holidays for the Japanese workforce, and like cherry blossom season, avoidance is suggested.

Cherry blossoms @ Taiheiyo Narita.

Cherry blossoms @ Taiheiyo Narita.

June and July – No and No

My first trip to Japan was in June 2010. I didn't play golf that trip, and I am glad because it drizzled constantly. Do me a favor and avoid June and July for golf. It’s predominately mid-June to mid-July that is miserable but either side of these times is a bit hit and miss. There are dry days during these months so if you are in Tokyo and the forecast looks good then drop me a line as I am happy to organize a round for you.

August and September – Yes and Yes But It’s Humid and Hot

It’s hot and humid in Japan during these months but it's a good time to play and the courses are very lush. Take a buggy, wear shorts and drink plenty of water. Drinking that freezing cold Asahi in the clubhouse after the game is worth the journey itself. Taiheiyo Club has two courses in Karuizawa (1 hour from Tokyo by shinkansen) which are so far above sea level that it never gets over 28 degrees. Karuizawa is where the wealthy Tokyoites have their summer retreats and is a wonderful place to spend a few days playing golf.

The lush green playing surfaces during summer @ Taiheiyo Konan.

The lush green playing surfaces during summer @ Taiheiyo Konan.

October and November – Absolutely Yes

This time of the year is favored by the Japanese golfers as the playing surfaces are mint, the weather is stable and the tastiest food is in season. The changing autumn leaves and cool evenings make this an ideal time to come and play. Spring is beautiful but Autumn is stunning.

December – Mmmmmm Maybe

The first half of the month is bearable but it can get very very chilly in the latter half. People come to Tokyo for their Christmas holidays and I don't blame them because the weather, although cold, is generally dry. If it's solely a golfing trip then I would consider coming a month earlier.


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